Call for Contributions (Volume 4, Issue 2) on Reviewing the Latest Trends in Management Literature
Submissions for this volume should be made before – 10 December 2024
Series Name: Review of Management Literature (ISSN – 2754-5865/ 2754-5873)
Submission Link:
Submission Guidelines
- The paper should be a minimum of 8000 and a maximum of 10500 words (Including all tables, figures, referencing, abstract and everything in the paper).
- The review should be based on a minimum of 40 papers and must consider papers till 2024.
- The abstract should be written in a single paragraph (not more than 150 words).
- Minimum 5 Keywords should be given
- Properly number the sections and sub-sections Use APA style of references, and arrange references in alphabetical order.
- All the tables and figures should be cited in the text.
- Tables/figures should provide highly detailed and relevant information (Avoid too long tables as well as high numbers of tables.
- Instead try to manage tables/figures in a way that they look rich and informative) .
- Sources of all the tables and figures must be given below the tables/figures.
- Place all the tables/figures in their original place (Do not place them at the end or in any separate file).
For more details, refer here