Call for Papers: Narratives for Ecological and Sustainable Transition(s):
What is the primary focus of our conference?
The conference centers around the concept of ‘nesting’ conceived of along two main ways:
a) in its metaphorical sense, as illustrating the ethical framework for applied approaches to narratives for maturing a sense of care for human and nonhuman vulnerabilities, and to build a more sustainable, inclusive, intergenerational, and post-anthropocentric (Braidotti 2019) sense of home as ‘oikos’ for different forms of life ;
b) in a more descriptive sense, understood as “arranging one object or entity within one another” (OED, 2024), ‘nesting’ points to the idea of narratives put in contexts, especially along embodied and embedded educational experiencing – broadly defined to include both institutional and non-institutional settings across various educational levels (with particular focus on local communities and civil society).
How to apply?
To apply, please submit a 250-word abstract detailing the project you intend to present in your poster (required for all participants) and, optionally, a 250-word description of the workshop you propose to lead. While creativity is encouraged, the workshop should be participatory and engaging rather than lecture-based. You may also include a question on a key issue you wish to explore in the blind roundtable discussion. The proposal(s) should also include a max. 150 word bio.
Confirmed speaker: NEST Research Network
Deadline for submission of proposals: 10 February 2025
Poster (all the participants): (abstract 250 words, 5-7 keywords, bionote 100 words):
Workshops (optional): (abstract 250 words, 5-7 keywords, bionote 100 words): 31 December 2024
Blind roundtable questions: max 1 question .
Acceptance notice: 17 February 2024
For more details, refer here