Call for Papers: The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the context of war in the EU’s neighbourhood, 28-29 April 2025

Call for Papers: The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the context of war in the EU’s neighbourhood, 28-29 April 2025

Centre for European Integration, School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland 


The Centre for European Integration (CEI) at University College Cork organises a conference focusing on the impact of armed conflicts on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ). In particular, it seeks to explore the challenges for the Common European Asylum System, the Temporary Protection Directive, and the externalization of migration controls. A central theme of the conference is the EU’s legal obligations to protect fundamental rights and the rule of law, particularly in the context of war in the EU’s neighbourhood.

Practical information

The Centre for European Integration is pleased to invite all interested scholars from EU law and related fields to submit a short abstract to the conference by March 7, 2025.

The conference will take place on April 28-29, 2025 at University College Cork. The conference provides a forum for researchers at all levels of experience (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, professors) to present work-in-progress and to use the opportunity to discuss draft ideas and concepts. We welcome papers dealing with the above topics but not strictly limited to them. Researchers who wish to adopt a more interdisciplinary approach— integrating insights from sociology, political science, and cultural studies—are most welcome. The Centre for European Integration encourages submissions from those who are from underrepresented regions and/or institutions.

If you are interested in participating in the conference, please submit your abstract by March 7, 2025 in an e-mail with the subject “Conference CEI” to [email protected] and [email protected]

The abstract should have 400 words maximum in a PDF file with your name, and a short bio (100 words). The organisation committee will inform the selected applicants one week after the deadline whether their submission is accepted.

There is no registration fee for the conference.

For more details, refer here



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