Call for Book Chapters Proposals: Deportation of Non-citizens: A Comparative Study on Countries’ Law and Practice, Submission Deadline- 10 March 2025
Deportation of Non-citizens: A Comparative Study on Countries’ Law and Practice
Deportation or expulsion of non-citizens is fast becoming one of the most complex problems in the current era. In the recent US presidential election, President Trump declared that his new administration would deport at least one million irregular migrants, a promise that incited immediate debate and concern. 1 Ten years have passed since the adoption of Draft Articles on Expulsion of Aliens by the UN’s International Law Commission.2 With the prospects of mass removal programs in the US and major ongoing disruptions from Gaza to Ukraine, the time is ripe to review or reexamine international, regional and country level law and practice relating to the expulsion of unwanted non-citizens.
The book will be published in English with a reputable publisher, and submission of abstracts is by 10 March 2025.
Please submit this information to (noting in the subject line ‘deportation book project abstract’): [email protected].
Authors will receive a notice of decisions no later than 20 March 2025. For accepted proposals, first draft chapters (6,000-8,000 words, exclusive footnotes or references) will be due by 31 October 2025. Because this is a comparative exercise, the authors are kindly asked to adhere as closely as possible to the guidelines for chapter content; more details on guidelines will be offered to authors in May 2025.
For more details, refer here