Themes :
- Challenges in legal aid delivery
- Barriers to access and equity in legal aid
- Addressing gaps in legal aid provision for underserved populations
- Effectiveness of existing legal aid frameworks
- Innovative approaches to legal aid
- Technology-driven advancements in legal aid delivery
- Community-based legal aid models
- Integrating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms
- Collaborative efforts of governments, NGOs, and legal institutions
- Digital platforms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in legal aid
- Online dispute resolution mechanisms
- Virtual legal services
- Legal aid for vulnerable groups
- Legal aid in rural and remote areas
- Social stigmas and legal aid
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Victim advocacy and victim assistance
- Collaborative models for legal aid
- Public-private partnerships in legal aid
- Role of universities and law schools in promoting legal aid
- International collaborations to improve legal aid systems
- Sustainability of legal aid programs Exploring sustainable funding models for legal aid
- Donor-driven initiatives and their impact
- Ensuring the long-term viability of legal aid programs
These are suggested themes; however, presenters are welcome to submit topics on additional areas that align with the main theme.
Who Can Participate?
Professors, scholars, researchers, law students from universities, lawyers, legal aid providers, public defenders, policymakers, representatives from NGOs, civil society organizations, and international delegates contributing to community justice, advocacy, and comparative insights on legal aid systems.
Submission Guidelines :
Abstract Guidelines:
- Abstracts must not exceed 300 words and should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and 1-inch margins on all sides.
- Include up to 5 keywords relevant to the research topic.
- Each submission must include a cover letter specifying the following details:
- Author’s Name
- Designation
- Department
- Institution
- Email ID
- Contact Number
- and Official Address.
- Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word format.
- All abstracts will undergo peer review by the Conference Organising Committee, Department of Law, University of Delhi.
- Selected abstracts will be invited for full paper submissions and presentations.
Full-paper Guidelines:
- Papers should be submitted in both MS Word (.doc or .docx) and .pdf format.
- Papers must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.
- A written declaration confirming originality and no copyright infringement must accompany the submission.
- The paper should have a length of 7000 to 10,000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
- Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of 2 authors.
- Both authors must register, and only registered participants with accepted papers will be allowed to present.
- The final paper should be sent to [email protected].
- Selected papers will be published as seminar proceedings/Edited Book/Journal.
Formatting Guidelines :
- The paper shall be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, 1.5 line spacing, Justified text, and 1inch Margins on all sides of an A4 sheet.
- The Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, 1.0 single line spacing.
- Title of the Submission: Upper-case, Bold, Font Size 14, Center-Aligned.
- Headings should follow the given standards:
- Headings: Upper-case, Bold, Font Size 12, Left-Aligned.
- Sub-Headings: Title-Case, Bold, Font Size 12, Left-Aligned.
- Sub-Sub-Heading: Title-Case, Italics, Font Size 12, Left-Aligned, Italicized.
- Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the Bluebook Citation Format (21st Edition).
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism shall not exceed more than 10%. The paper should not be plagiarized and should be free from grammatical, spelling, and other errors. If plagiarism is found to be more than 10%, the paper shall be rejected. Originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not be submitted for publication at any other place.
- AI-Generated Content: Submissions containing AI-generated content will not be considered and shall be strict grounds for rejection.
- Copyright: Upon acceptance of your paper, you hereby transfer, assign, and convey to the organizers of the event, i.e. Integrated Law Course, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, all copyright and ownership rights in and to the submitted content.
- Timeline: Papers submitted on or before the designated deadline will be considered for review, no late submission will be considered.
- Selection Process: The decision of the Editorial Committee on the acceptance and rejection of the research paper shall be final.
Registration Details :
Registration fee:
- Faculty, Research Scholars/ Students of Faculty of Law, University of Delhi:
- Single Author: NIL, Co-Author: NIL
- Students/Research Scholars of other University/College:
- Single Author: Rs. 300, Co-Author: Rs. 500
- Faculty of other Universities or Colleges and Professionals:
- Single Author: Rs. 500, Co-Author: Rs. 800
- Foreign Delegates:
- Single Author: USD 25, Co-Author: USD 35
Register through the link given below this post.
Important Dates :
- Last Date for Submission of Abstract: February 22nd 2025.
- Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract: February 24th 2025.
- Last Date for Registration: February 21st 2025.
- Submission of Draft Paper: February 25th 2025.
- Date of Conference: March 1st 2025.
- Last date for submission of full and final paper for publication in seminar proceedings: March 31st 2025.
Upon abstract selection, detailed registration instructions shall be sent to the participants. Completion of the registration process by the specified deadline shall be mandatory.
The registration fee shall be non-refundable. Accommodation Services shall be provided to all the offline presenters at minimal additional charges. All the selected articles will be published in an edited book.
Location :
Contact Information :
For any queries, please contact at [email protected] or +91 6393314064.
Click here to Register.