Call for Papers: SWEMENA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025, Submission Deadline- 20 April 2025

Call for Papers: SWEMENA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025, Submission Deadline- 20 April 2025

The Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska institutet) are organising the fourth annual conference of the Swedish Middle East and North Africa Network (SWEMENA) on 28-29 August 2025 in Uppsala in coordination with the SWEMENA Steering Committee.

This interdisciplinary annual conference reflects SWEMENA’s main objective to bring together different communities of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers across Sweden with an interest in the Middle East and North Africa region. SWEMENA encourages the dissemination and discussion of new research on Middle Eastern politics and society and provides a network for scholars, students, policy-makers, and others with related research interests.

Call for Papers

We invite contributions from all fields and disciplines related to Middle Eastern and North African Studies. Doctoral students and researchers based in Sweden working on MENA-related topics are invited to submit abstracts for papers, panels, and roundtables. Researchers outside of Sweden are also welcome to submit abstracts and will be able to participate subject to availability. The working language of the conference is English.

We welcome proposals in the following formats:

• Individual papers: Please submit a title, an abstract of up to 250 words and five keywords. Program chairs will compose panels out of the accepted paper proposals.

• Panels: Please submit a proposal consisting of a panel title, abstract (up to 250 words), 4-5 panel-papers and five keywords. Your panel should include a discussant and a title and abstract for each paper.

• Roundtables: A proposal of a roundtable should consist of a title, abstract (up to 250 words), five keywords, chair and 4-5 speakers.

Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday 25 March 2025Submit your abstract and any questions to [email protected]

Submitters will receive an acceptance/rejection notification via e-mail by 20 April 2025.

For more details, refer here



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