Call for Papers: for Young EU Scholars Conference, 3-4 July 2025
How has the Court of Justice of the European Union’s evolving values jurisprudence reshaped its role in the European integration project?
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has long been viewed as a driving force behind the European integration project. Through its jurisprudence, the Court has, inter alia, established foundational principles of EU law, expanded the scope of application and effectiveness of provisions of Union law, advanced EU citizenship rights and taken a restrained approach to enforcing competence-limiting norms against the EU legislature. Through these examples and many others, the CJEU’s role as an “engine of integration” has received widespread recognition and analysis in the legal and political science literature.
The workshop will be held at the Centre of European Law, King’s College London on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th July.
Submission Guidelines:
• Abstracts (max. 500 words) to be submitted by Monday 14th April 2025 to Dr Darren Harvey ([email protected]).
• Scholars who have abstracts accepted will be expected to provide a working paper in advance of the workshop. Senior academics in the field of European law chair thematic panels at the workshop. where they will provide both written and oral feedback on the work submitted and presented by scholars at the workshop.
• Those Working papers (approx. 8,000 words) are to be submitted by Friday 20th June 2025 to the same address.
• It is expected that there will be an opportunity for Working papers to be further refined after the workshop with a view towards publication in a journal or edited collection of some kind.
• Unfortunately, the Centre of European Law at King’s College London does not have the financial resources to pay for travel and accommodation costs of each participant at the workshop. Those who are selected to attend should therefore be prepared to pay their own travel and accommodation costs. However, upon receipt of a request, we may be able to assist young scholars who are accepted to present their work at the workshop and who are unable to cover the entirety of their costs.
For more details, refer here