Call for Proposals: A er the Backlash: The Future of Arbitra on in the Settlement of Investment, Trade and Human Rights Disputes, September 19th-20th, 2025
Quebec City, QC, Canada
We are currently witnessing a paradox regarding the use of arbitration to solve international disputes. On the one hand, investor-state dispute settlement has been heavily criticized by state and non-state parties that have identified serious legimacy concerns. On the other hand, states and experts have proposed other arbitrage-related mechanisms to solve disputes in three subject areas: an investment court system; an interim appeal arbitration arrangement in international trade; and rules on business and human rights arbitration. Despite a serious backlash in the context of investor-state dispute settlement, international arbitra on has emerged in various forms when other avenues to se le disputes are unavailable or blocked.
We invite proposals for papers that will be presented in Quebec City, Canada, on September 19th and 20th, 2025. The workshop will be an opportunity to obtain detailed feedback on an unpublished, full draft of each paper. Our objective is to secure a contract with an academic press to publish the final papers as an edited volume.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words and a short biography to [email protected] by May 15th, 2025. Applicants will be informed of the results of the selection process by May 31st, 2025. Selected applicants will be asked to submit a full draft paper of around 8,000 words by September 1st, 2025.
- Submission of proposals: May 15th
- Selection of proposals: May 31st
- Submission of full draft papers: September 1st
- In-person workshop: September 19th-20th
- Submission of final papers: December 15th
For more details, refer here