Call for Papers| KIIT Student Law Review Volume 9: Submit by Nov 15

About the School of Law, KIIT University

KIIT School of Law is a private law school imparting legal education. The institution is in Bhubaneswar, Odisha within the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology campus, to which it is affiliated.

About the call for paper

The School of Law, KIIT University, hereby announces a call for papers for Volume 9 of its annual Review (KSLR). We extend our invitation to law students (both postgraduates and undergraduates), professionals, lecturers, policymakers, and others to send in their write-ups on contemporary issues of law.


The ninth volume of the Review would highlight the contemporary legal issues from areas of law such as Contract laws, Labour laws, Property laws, Commercial laws, Competition laws etc. and other branches, which are giving impetus to deliberation, not only amongst the student community but also within the entire legal fraternity.

Submission categories

Articles (5000-7000 words exclusive of footnotes) — Article should provide an in-depth study of the contemporary legal issue. We intend to incorporate critical analysis and original assertions on the said issue.

Short Articles (3000-5000 words exclusive of footnotes) — Short articles should include condensed study in the contemporary legal issue. The nature of the writing should preferably include descriptive analysis and informed comments on any new ideas and perspectives.

Book Reviews (1200-1500 words exclusive of footnotes) — Book reviews should incorporate critical examination of a book pertaining to law, published two years preceding the release of the current issue of KSLR. All the book reviews must embody an assessment of ideas promoted by the author of the book from the point of view of originality, the extent of analysis, and quality.

Case Comments (2500 -4000 words exclusive of footnotes) — Case comments should include interpretation of any landmark judicial pronouncement in any contemporary legal issue. Brief information regarding contribution to and digression from the existing laws will be appreciated.

Legislative Briefs (maximum 2500 words exclusive of footnotes) — Legislative briefs seek to determine the implications of any existing or proposed Indian legislation (both Central/State). Author(s) may focus on any specific section/s or present an overview of the legislation.

Submissions to the KIIT Student Law Review [Volume IX] should adhere to the following guidelines:

  •  All articles and short articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  • The submissions are to be made only in Microsoft Word Format(.docx or .doc files). The name of the file must be of the nature “KSLR Volume IX Submission:_____________” followed by title of the paper. Please note that the last date of submission of Manuscript 15 th November, 2021.
  • The word limits are exclusive of footnotes and only footnotes are to be used and no end-notes or bibliography. The Harvard Bluebook, 20th edition is the style which is to be strictly adhered to for citations.
  • Sub-headings will be formatted in Normal with case size 12 in Times New Roman & Bold. The body of the writing will be formatted in Normal with case size 12 in Times New Roman.
  • Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two. The submissions will undergo a double blind peer-review process, therefore the author/s shall not disclose their identities anywhere in the body of the manuscript.
  • The Author(s) shall have to upload a Declaration [as a separate attachment] in the Google Form as to that the work has not been published anywhere else and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. For any issues arising in contravention to such declaration, the KIIT Student Law Review, and Editorial Board shall not be liable. The author shall be personally liable for his or her actions or omissions. The declaration should be a scanned document in PDF or Image (.jpg or .jpeg) formats containing the above mentioned declaration.
  • The submission shall also contain a separate Cover Letter as an attachment uploaded to the Google Form enumerating the following details:
  1. Name of the author(s)
  2. Address of the author(s)
  3. Phone Numbers of the author(s)
  4. Title of the manuscript
  5. Submission Category – (Example – Article/ Short Article/ Book Review)
  6. Name of the institution
  7. Year of study (in case of a student)/ Designation (in other cases)
  8. Email address(s)
  • The Editorial Board holds the power to disqualify any author’s work which is in non-compliance to these guidelines and also, holds the final copyright and all other rights regarding the work that is published after receiving such approval for publication and transfer of such rights from the author(s).
  • Each published paper will feature in the KIIT Student Law Review: Volume IX which will be published around March, 2022. The authors whose papers are published will each receive a paperback hard copy of the Review, mailed to the address they provide along- with the copyright confirmation on selection of their paper as and when intimated to them.

Submission procedure

To submission, Click here

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