Call for Papers! ALL INDIA LAW TEACHERS CONGRESS! organized by AILTC, Law Cenree-II, Delhi University! 16-17 December, 2023!

We are pleased to inform you that the Al India Law Teachers Congress (AILT) and Law Centre II, Delhi University, Delhi are jointly organizing a two-day National Conference on “Legal Reforms in Contemporary Indian Context: A Holistic Approach” at New Delhi on 16-17 December, 2023.

We have selected the following sub-themes for the said conference: () The Mediation Bill, 2021 (i) The Digital Data Protection Act, 2023 (ii) The Labour Code (i) Introduction of bills to replace the Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act. We believe that as members of academia we can dispassionately analyze the broad contours of the above subject matter in the two days conference and can formulate immaculate opinions and recommendations.

The last date for submission of abstract is 31st October 2023

Abstract can be emailed on [email protected].

registration/delegation fee -Rs.500/.

Please send your confirmation of participation/registration, along with registration fee, by 31st October 2023.

For more details, refer here

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