Sustainable Consumerism Campaign– It may be hard to believe that small choices you make on a daily basis, such as how you transmute to work, what you eat, how long your shower time is, or where you travel to on holidays, can actually have a significant impact on global environmental issues. In this age of constant inundation by bad news and media-led fear-mongering, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless about environmental issues, perhaps reaching a degree of deliberate indifference for the sake of self-preservation and peace of mind. But the truth is that there is a lot that each of us can do every day to help slow down and eventually stop the demise of our planet. Many of these Earth-friendly choices, with time, simply become habits that you don’t have to think about all the time, and so, you will suffer no constant anxiety or inconvenience. Living an environmentally conscious life will simply become second nature. Sustainable development has been a goal widely pursued by all nations, globally. Citizens’ consumption has an important effect on sustainability.

With this idea, Consumer Assisto has initiated a campaign to explain the importance of sustainable living and on the occasion of 24th December which is celebrated as World Consumer Right Day, Consumer Assisto is taking this campaign forward, with the theme decided by United Nations, by organizing Video and Poster Making Competition, encouraging people from all the backgrounds to express their understanding and knowledge creatively.


Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues with the rapid increase in production of disposable plastic products and overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. Plastic pollution is most visible in developing Asian and African nations, where garbage collection systems are often inefficient or non-existent. But the developed world, especially in countries with low recycling rates, also has trouble properly collecting discarded plastics. Plastic trash has become so ubiquitous it has prompted efforts to write a global treaty negotiated by the United Nations.


Tackling of Plastic Pollution is very important as it is one of the steps which would surely help towards making the Earth greener and by participating in this competition the participants would get the opportunity to gain knowledge as to how this is a major concern and needs to be tackled in individual capacity and society as a whole.

In the past few decades, environmentalists, government, NGOs, and other stakeholders have been working towards resolving the issue with more sustainable solutions and adopting sustainable behaviors. The unfortunate ongoing COVID-19 crisis, which has had untold negative effects with lives being lost, healthcare systems under immense pressure, causing profound economic shock leaving a huge impact alongside on Agenda 2030 worldwide not only in India. Furthermore, the focus on sanitary care for past few years has resulted in a tremendous increase in single-use plastic products specially used in food and e-commerce packaging coupled with the rise in protective gear.


  • To introduce or otherwise, familiarize the learners with the basic facets of Plastic Pollution.
  • To help participants know more about how to tackle Plastic Pollution in the present scenario.
  • To help participants understand the rationale behind the negative impacts of Plastic Pollution.
  • To formulate recommendations for the government and other stakeholders that might help in tackling the same.
  • To deliberate upon the possible solutions which can be worked upon as an individual.


This opportunity is open for law professionals, students from recognized colleges and universities, school students, or any other person interested to record a ‘120-seconds i.e. 2 minutes video (maximum)’ or make a poster on the above-mentioned theme or any other relevant subtheme.


  • In case of any query, one can reach us via email at [email protected].
  • All the participants will be provided with e-certificates only on their registered e-mail id.
  • Submissions can only be made via the Registration Form.
  • Only original content will be considered for the competition.
  • Credits will be given to the creator and their team when published on our social media platforms.
  • There is NO FEE for participation in the competition.
  • There is no age limit.
  • Team for a video can be up to 10-12 members (Maximum) but only individual submissions are allowed for posters. (Names for all the team members should be mentioned clearly in the registration form)
  • For Videos
  • The video should not exceed 120 seconds (in a compatible format).
  • Content should be clear, simple and statistics stated should be factually correct also, the reference needs to be attached with the video at the time of submission.
  • Content can be edited or can include graphics till the time it stays original.
  • The language used can be either English, Hindi, or both.
  • Any video with the use of foul language will be disqualified.
  • For Posters
  • The word limit for slogans is 20 (excluding spaces and punctuation) for posters if included.
  • The slogan can be in either English or Hindi.
  • Posters have to be made on A4 or A3 size paper scanned and submitted.
  • Digitalized posters shall not be accepted. Posters should be handmade.
  • Photographs, 3D objects, print-outs won’t be acceptable.
  • The theme should be the main focus of the poster.


Link for Registration Form:

Registration Fee: FREE


  • One free certified course organized by Consumer Assisto/ KnowlegdeSteez (Worth Rs.1000/- ) for the Winners for Video and Poster Competition.
  • Certificate of Appreciation will be given to the Winners.
  • Top 5 videos and 10 posters will be posted on our social media platforms with proper credits
  • Certificate of Participation will be given to the participants of all the shortlisted videos and posters.


  • Last Date of Registration and Submission:20th December 2021
  • Announcement of Results: 24th December 2021


Contact: Harshita Agarwal (+91 9997707111)

            PulkitKhanduja (+91 8802050955)

Email Id:[email protected]



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