National Seminar On Contractualisation in Employment -Law and Policy: Challenges and Solutions organised by NLLA, New Delhi & CTAG National Law University, Delhi

National Seminar On
Contractualisation in Employment -Law and Policy: Challenges and Solutions
[17-18 September 2022; NLU, Dwarka, Delhi]
Organised By
National Labour Law Association, New Delhi &
CTAG, National Law University – Dwarka, Delhi
In collaboration with
Friedrich Ebert Foundation – India Office, New Delhi

National Labour Law Association:
The National Labour Law Association (NLLA) New Delhi was established in 1980. Its objective is to act as a forum for a free and frank exchange of ideas and experiences among the employers, workmen, professionals, and experts, as well as government officials so as to secure the application of laws in the right perspectives so as to achieve the constitutional promise of social justice. The Union Ministry of Labour had conferred the “Consultative Body Status”.

National Law University (Centre for Transparency & Accountability in Governance-CTAG) Dwarka – Delhi:
The Centre for Transparency & Accountability in Governance (CTAG) of the National Law University, Delhi (established in 2008 by Act No.1 of 2008 of the National Capital Territory of Delhi) is one of the premier law universities in India. The CTAG has been established to uphold the commitment to the ‘rule of law’ and ‘good governance.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung:
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is a non-profit German foundation committed to the values of democracy and social justice. The FES established its India office in 1981 in New Delhi. The FES India is committed to building platforms of mutual trust for open debate and the exchange of new ideas. Through workshops, seminars, exchange programs, as well as academic papers, it offers nuanced socio-economic analyses and fosters debates on national, regional and global levels. Presently, the core question is: how can India’s economic development be charted so that it becomes a socially balanced, sustainable, and resilient economy? Together with political leaders, academics, members of the civil society and national and international experts, the FES endeavours to generate fresh ideas to shape India’s future as well as jointly strive for a better post-COVID India.

About The Seminar:
The Corporates, pursuant to globalization and inherent competition, have generally been adopting Labour rationalization policies in order to reduce costs to be competitive. To meet the aforesaid situation, several developed and developing countries have introduced plans like Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS), lay-offs/retrenchment, and closures both in the organized and the unorganized sectors. A significant shift has taken place in the employment from permanent to temporary, casual, and fixed-term contract employment.

The COVID19 pandemic has caused major havoc worldwide, including in India. The worst effect had been workers who lost their jobs and other means of livelihood due to the measures taken to check the spread of coronavirus. Consequent, the shrinking of national economies, declining trade, increasing inflations, and no recipe from anywhere have created a humanitarian crisis in many parts of the world. Can the reform in laws and political posturing alone can bring the economies out of the present crisis, that is there to stay at least for some time.

Sub-themes of the Seminar:
• Fixed Term Employment
• Contractual employment or Perennial work: Labour – Law and Policies
• Legal Protection to contractual workers: Social Security etc
• Inter-State Migrant workers and their rights
• Gig- workers-and Platform workers
• Regularization of contractual workers: Judicial trends
• Industrial development and contratualisation of workforce
• State policy on contratualisation of work
• ILO and other agencies on contractual employment

*Tripartism and social dialogue
• Law and policies on Contractual employment in other nations
• Labour Law Reforms and Contractualisation of workers
• Any other topic directly related to the main theme of the Seminar

Seminar Venue:
National Law University, Delhi,
Sector 14, Dwarka, Near Metro Station Sector 14 Dwarka, New Delhi 110078, INDIA

Guidelines for Seminar Papers:
The Authors should apply research skills and appropriate research methodology.
The research paper should be thematic and desired to be linked to the sub-themes.

The length of the abstract should not be more than 500 words.

It must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1″ margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word application.

Footnotes should follow the SILC standard of footnoting. Endnotes are not allowed.

At the end of the paper, the author’s brief profile should have an E-mail ID, contact number, and address.

Important Deadlines:
Approved Abstracts notification: 06 Sept 2022
Submission of registration form & charges: 10 Sept 2022

The research paper should be submitted to the Convener of the Seminar at [email protected].

Articles received after the stipulated deadline will not be entertained for inclusion in the Seminar . Professionals/Teachers/Students, without submitting any research paper, may participate in the Seminar by paying the requisite charges.

Participation and Registration Fee

  1. Registration Teachers/ Professionals/ : Rs. 2000 2. Registration for Research Scholars, Students: Rs. 1000
    Online Payment Details: CLICK HERE
  2. Accommodation:
    No Accommodation Will Be Provided by The Organizers
  3. For all communication related to the Seminar, kindly visit our website:
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