Call for Papers! National Seminar on Women in Decision-Making Roles in Corporates by NLU Orissa! Submit Now!

About NLUO

The University was established and incorporated by the National Law University Odisha NLUO Act of 2008, for advanced teaching and research in law. NLUO is recognized under section 12(b) of the UGC Act
1956 and its degrees offered are recognized by the Bar Council of India. NLUO is a member of UGC INFLIBNET and a participant in the National Knowledge Network.

About Centre for Women and Law

The Centre for Women & Law (CWL) is a Research Centre of National Law University Odisha which works with the combined effort of faculty members and students of NLUO. The Centre was established with a view of having a platform for the unremitting study of the structural, societal, legal and regulatory issues associated with gender from a multidisciplinary perspective.

About Call for Research Paper

Centre for Women and Law, National Law University, Odisha invites academicians, researchers, students, practitioners, and social and women activists to submit research papers based on original empirical research or review papers related to the theme of the seminar. The Broad area of the seminar is Women in Decision-Making Roles in Corporate.

Objectives of Seminar

  • To understand the issues and challenges of women in decision-making roles in the corporate sector.
  • To determine the scope of changes women can bring in decision-making roles.
  • To assess measures adopted by companies regarding the promotion of women in leadership roles.
  • To assess and suggest policy measures for gender sensitivity towards women employees in the corporate sector.


  • Gender Diversity and Firm Performance.
  • Barriers and Challenges.
  • Diversity and Governance.
  • Legislative Measures and Quotas.
  • Work-Life Balance.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions are to be made in Electronic (Doc) format only and are to be sent to [email protected].
  • The subject of the mail should be the following: Submission of Manuscript for NCW Seminar on Women in Decision-Making Roles in Corporate.
  • The Name of the Document must be in the following format: [Author’s Name] [Title of the Research Paper].
  • Each paper must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words.
  • Citation/referencing should be as per OSCOLA style.
  • Submissions must contain a cover letter indicating the name of the author/s, name of the Institution, Designation, Email Id, and Contact Number.
  • Text Specifications:
    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Size: 12
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
    • Margin: 1 inch (on each side)
  • Footnote Specifications:
    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Size: 10
    • Line Spacing: 1.0
  • Plagiarism of any sort is strictly forbidden.

Note: The Seminar shall be held in hybrid mode and divided into two sessions. Firstly, the Seminar would commence with a session with distinguished speakers. Secondly, a paper presentation would take place. Participants are invited not only for paper presentations but also for attending the enlightening session. There are no registration fees for either category of attendees. No accommodation shall be provided


They would provide appreciation certificates for the Best Paper Presented based on the quality of the paper.

Important Dates

  • August 1, 2023: Notification of seminar.
  • August 21, 2023: Last date for submission of an abstract.
  • September 4, 2023: Last date for submission of the full paper.
  • September 4, 2023: Last date for registration.
  • September 15, 2023: Date of the seminar.


The Venue of the Seminar is Seminar Hall, National Law University Odisha, Cuttack.

Contact Information

Student Coordinators

In case of queries, please contact:

  • Aditi Sinha at +91 9304515830.
  • Tanmay Mishra at +91 8962810412.

or email your queries to: [email protected].

For more details, click here

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