Call for Papers! for the special issue on War & Asylum! Submit Now!

Manuscript Summary Submission Deadline 15 December 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 15 February 2024

Author guidelines

General standards

Article type

Frontiers requires authors to select the appropriate article type for their manuscript and to comply with the article type descriptions defined in the journal’s ‘Article types’ page, which can be found under the ‘About journal’ menu in ‘For authors’ on every Frontiers journal page. Please pay close attention to the word count limits.

Manuscript length

We encourage you to closely follow the article word count lengths given in the ‘Article types’ page of the journals. The manuscript length includes only the main body of the text, footnotes, and all citations within it, and excludes the abstract, section titles, figure and table captions, funding statement, acknowledgments, and references in the bibliography. Please indicate the number of words and the number of figures and tables included in your manuscript on the first page.


The title should be concise, omitting terms that are implicit and, where possible, be a statement of the main result or conclusion presented in the manuscript. Abbreviations should be avoided within the title.

Witty or creative titles are welcome, but only if relevant and within measure. Consider if a title meant to be thought-provoking might be misinterpreted as offensive or alarming. In extreme cases, the editorial office may veto a title and propose an alternative.

Authors should avoid:

  • titles that are a mere question without giving the answer
  • unambitious titles, for example starting with ‘Towards,’ ‘A description of,’ ‘A characterization of’ or ‘Preliminary study on’
  • vague titles, for example starting with ‘Role of’, ‘Link between’, or ‘Effect of’ that do not specify the role, link, or effect
  • including terms that are out of place, for example the taxonomic affiliation apart from species name.

For Corrigenda, General Commentaries, and Editorials, the title of your manuscript should have the following format.

  • ‘Corrigendum: [Title of original article]’
  • General Commentaries:
    ‘Commentary: [Title of original article]’
    ‘Response: Commentary: [Title of original article]’
  • ‘Editorial: [Title of Research Topic]’

Authors and affiliations

All names are listed together and separated by commas. Provide exact and correct author names as these will be indexed in official archives. Affiliations should be keyed to the author’s name with superscript numbers and be listed as follows:

  • Laboratory, Institute, Department, Organization, City, State abbreviation (only for United States, Canada, and Australia), and Country (without detailed address information such as city zip codes or street names).

Example: Max Maximus1
1 Department of Excellence, International University of Science, New York, NY, United States.

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