Opportunity – Call For Paper : 2 DAYS National Conference on Constitutional-Jurisprudence at NLIU Bhopal: Submit by Feb 29


The evolution of Parliamentary form of government in Great Britain experienced many
historical vicissitudes and necessarily intermingled with concepts of liberty, democracy and
equality. But why did United States prefer Presidential form of government over the
Parliamentary form? May be the assertion of a revolutionary change and desire of an
autochthonous constitution gave the world a new form of government with stricter principles
of separation of powers. Is it not that a stricter separation of powers ends up immensely
empowering the head of the executive? These can be some stimuli for ideas on the themes of
this Conference.


1. The preamble, the source of authority of the state, its accountability, constitutional
vision, democracy and republican form.
2. Fundamental Rights, criminalisation of untouchability, protective discrimination and
affirmative action; equality, liberty, fraternity and justice.
3. The importance and relationship of Human Rights vis-à-vis Fundamental Rights.
4. Constitutional values and constitutional vision.
5. Is the parameters of federalism are the characteristics of federalism necessarily confined
to the characteristics propounded by K. C. Wheare.
6. Freedom of choice and determinism in criminal law.
7. Interpretation of the constitution, debate between ‘originalists’ and ‘revisionists’;
importance of ‘Human Rights Discourse’ in constitutional interpretation.
8. Rule conformist views and rule sceptic views of the constitution.
9. Legal Morality, Constitutionalism, Constitutional Morality: Overlap and Separation by
the Judiciary.

10. Separation of ‘Is’ and ‘Ought’ and its relevance to Constitutional-Jurisprudence.
11. Any other sub-theme relating to Constitutional-Jurisprudence.

Conference participation fee :
Teachers and others: Rs. 2000
Students: Rs. 500
The fees will be paid by the participants only after their paper is selected for presentation at the

Important Dates :

Last date for Full Paper Submission: 29.02.2024

Link to make the submission – https://forms.gle/PsgYQeYuv3f2uMpE7

Contact Information :
For further clarification, please feel free to contact:
Mr. Shudhanshu Pratap, Mr. Ujjawal Joshi and Mr. Ritik Nandan
Email[email protected]
Mobile – +91- 9454034500, +91- 7827111561, +91- 9752236379



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