SECOND NLUD ANNUAL DOCTORAL LAW COLLOQUIUM 2024! 1st – 3rd March, 2024! Apply Now!

National Law University Delhi is proud to launch the second edition of its flagship Doctoral Colloquium on Contemporary Themes in Law. This year in addition to the general track, the colloquium invites submissions for a specialised track on Corporate, Competition and Commercial Laws. The Doctoral Colloquium is open for participation to all enrolled PhD students within India. Limited support for travel and participation is envisaged this year.

National Law University Delhi

It is proud to launch the second edition of its flagship Doctoral Colloquium on Contemporary Themes in Law. This year in addition to the general track, the colloquium invites submissions for a specialised track on Corporate, Competition and Commercial Laws. The Doctoral Colloquium is open for participation to all enrolled PhD students within India. Limited support for travel and participation is envisaged this year.

Format of the Colloquium The Colloquium envisages creation of an intellectual forum where engagement on both wideranging as well as specific issues, can take place. In order to ensure this, submissions are invited for the general track. The potential themes for the general track are broad, including but not limited to the following areas:

Constitutional Law

– Criminal law

– Labour Law

– Family Law

– Law and Technology

– Intellectual Property Law

– Trade Law

– Public and Private International Law

– Climate Change and Energy Law

– Environment Law and Sustainable Development

– Access to Justice

Abstract Submission and Application Procedure

Please fill the google form by uploading the following by 10th December (23:59 hours) –

– Abstract of the research paper to be presented at the colloquium (no more than 500 words).

– Brief resume focusing on key research achievements to date (conference presentations, publications etc.).

– The 100-word bio capturing in brief the current and previous academic and professional history and contact details.

Venue and Costs

The colloquium will take place at National Law University Delhi between 1st and 3rd March 2024. The registration fee for the colloquium is INR 500. Lunch and refreshments for the three days will be provided to all participants at NLUD.

For more details, refer here


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