Call for Papers! Yale Journal of International Law! Volume 50! Submit Now!

Call for Papers! Yale Journal of International Law! Volume 50! Submit Now!

The Yale Journal of International Law (YJIL) is one of the world’s preeminent international law journals. YJIL publishes articles, essays, notes, and commentary on a wide range of subjects in the fields of international, transnational, and comparative law on a biannual basis. Since November 2009, the Journal has published shorter analytical essays in YJIL Online, an online companion journal. In both its print and online editions, the Journal is committed to publishing cutting-edge, provocative, and thoughtful scholarship at the forefront of the field.

The Journal is about much more than the periodic publication of scholarship. YJIL seeks to foster a community dedicated to the study and practice of international law at the Yale Law School and beyond. To that end, YJIL regularly organizes panels, workshops, and lectures on diverse topics with guests including Law School faculty members, practicing international lawyers and policymakers, and distinguished alumni.

YJIL will open submissions for Volume 50 on February 1, 2024.

Author Eligibility

We accept article submissions from practicing attorneys and legal scholars, as well as Ph.D. and S.J.D./J.S.D. students. Current J.D. and LL.M. students at the Yale Law School are not eligible to publish articles in YJIL’s print edition, though we encourage those students to submit Notes and some features as advertised by YJIL Online. Current J.D. and LL.M. students at other schools are not eligible to publish in YJIL’s print edition.


The Yale Journal of International Law reviews article submissions for the current Volume starting on or about February 1 of each calendar year. The Journal may re-open article submissions for the current Volume starting on or about August 1 of each calendar year, depending on the results of the first round of submissions.

For more details, refer here

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