Call for Applications! for Summer School in Law & Economics 2024! University of Hamburg June 10th – June 28th!

Call for Applications! for Summer School in Law & Economics 2024! University of Hamburg June 10th – June 28th!

This course provides an advanced survey and discussion of a number of current topics and debates in behavioral law and economics. We will read and analyze recent scholarly contributions by legal scholars, cognitive scientists, and behavioral economists.

The aim is threefold:

I. Students will become familiar with the basic notions in behavioral law and economics.

II. Students will learn to analyze law through the lens of behavioral science.

III. Students will improve their understanding of scholarly contributions by legal scholars, behavioral economists, and psychologists.


The Summer School provides a seminar atmosphere with groups not larger than 25 participants. Therefore, the number of places for each course is limited. The courses are free of charge and open to doctoral students only. Doctoral students can apply for the whole Summer School as well as for one or some courses in the program.

To apply, please use the online form here

Application deadline is March 15.

For more details, refer here


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