Submit a Manuscript to the Journal! Entrepreneurship & Regional Development! Routledge Taylor & Francis Group!

Submit a Manuscript to the Journal! Entrepreneurship & Regional Development! Routledge Taylor & Francis Group!

Special Issue on- Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Africa: Opportunities for Sustainable Development

Manuscript deadline- 28 February 2025

To submit article, click here

Submission Instructions

The purpose of this call is to encourage scholarly contributions that engages in examining how entrepreneurial ecosystems can enhance entrepreneurship, advance environmental objectives, and improve social conditions in Africa (Dhahri & Omri, 2018).  We therefore welcome empirical (qualitative and quantitative) contributions that push the boundaries of current knowledge of entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa.

The call seeks original scholarly work, both quantitative and qualitative, that examines research questions (but not limited to) such as the following:

  • How do entrepreneurial ecosystem conditions effect different types of entrepreneurship in Africa?
  • How do entrepreneurial ecosystems enable entrepreneurship that contributes to sustainable development outcomes in Africa?
  • To what extent and how do inter-ecosystem links contribute to entrepreneurship and sustainable development in Africa?
  • What are the entrepreneur, firm and ecosystem level effects of policy interventions?
  • What explains the long term dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems, in particular virtuous and vicious cycles of entrepreneurial ecosystem development?
  • To what extent do African entrepreneurial ecosystems enhance or aggravate inequality?
  • How can entrepreneurial ecosystem interventions support marginalized populations in Africa?
  • How do we appropriately measure ecosystems that impact African entrepreneurship?
  • Does entrepreneurial ecosystem ameliorate societal problems in Africa such as youth unemployment, poverty, and climate change?
  • What is the relationship between entrepreneurial ecosystem support and internal and out-migration (diaspora) in Africa?
  • What are the barriers toward entrepreneurship in Africa and how can entrepreneurial ecosystems bridge these barriers?
  • What type of institutions/ecosystems facilitate entrepreneurial informality in Africa?
  • How does entrepreneurial ecosystem support in Africa differ from support elsewhere?

For more details, refer here

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