Resonance 2024: International Conference on Human Machine Interaction! 23rd & 24th July, 2024!

Resonance 2024: International Conference on Human Machine Interaction! 23rd & 24th July, 2024!

Organized by- School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Woxsen University

Call for Abstract


• AI assistance to eye-witness testimony

• Deep Fake: ability to create false information and its impact

• Misinformation and False information: AI generated contents

• Cross-cultural collections of memory

• False memories and Digital footprints

• Autobiographical memory and the role of AI

• Sociopolitical narratives of Large Language Model data

• Weaponized political truth and narrative of memory

• Workplace, Cognitive efficiency and AI

• Crime solving and evidence integration through AI.

• Marginalization and Memory

• Identity, Self-perception and Memory

• Speech, Language and Memory

• Visual encoding and processing : Role of cognitive biases

• Attention and post-positivist witness testimonials • Memory and Learning- Forgetting in short and long-term memory • The nature of retrieval from memory

• The control of the memorial system

• Shared cognitive processing

• Executive function: Planning, Organising, Problem solving and decision making.

• AI and Forensic Psychology

• Eyewitness testimony and cross examination related to memor

For submission guidelines and more details, refer here



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