5th ALL INDIA LEGAL HISTORY CONGRESS! 9th- 11th January, 2025! WBNUJS!

5th ALL INDIA LEGAL HISTORY CONGRESS! 9th- 11th January, 2025! WBNUJS!

About The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata

WBNUJS was established under the National University of Juridical Sciences Act of 1999 to promote legal education and research in India. It officially started functioning in 2000. The WBNUJS remains one of the only three national law schools in India which have the honourable Chief Justice of India as the Chancellor who is also the Chairman of the General Council, the supreme policy-making body of the University.

About The Centre for Studies in Legal History

The Centre works on the digitization of Ancient Indian legal sources, such as relevant portions of the Vedas, the Dharmasastra, the Arthasastra, the Puranas, the Mimansha School of Hindu Law and even plays such as the Mrichchakatika. It is currently engaged in the publication of a volume compiling legal principles gleaned from Ancient Indian Texts to provide a holistic view of the legal systems prevalent in Ancient India. It also aims to digitize relevant High Court judgments and other sources for the use of legal researchers and honourable members of the Bar and the Bench.

About the Conference

The 5th ALL INDIA LEGAL HISTORY CONGRESS is being hosted by the Centre for Studies in Legal History, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. It aims to explore the interface between law and history to generate critical insights into the interdisciplinary connections between the two fields, with special focus on the rising trends in law, ethics, historiography, and the associated arenas in humanities and social sciences. The Congress will focus on four primary themes: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law and History, Rethinking Law and Legal History, Law, Community, and Sustainability, and Law and the Issue of Representation.



  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law and History
  • Rethinking Law and Legal History
  • Law, Community and Sustainability
  • Law and the Issue of Representation


The Conference invites research papers from historians, academicians, legal practitioners, independent researchers and researchers from all disciplines of humanities and social sciences, specifically law students pursuing B.A, LL.B. /LL.M./Ph.D. from any recognized university.



  • The participants are required to submit their abstracts, adhering to the Submission Guidelines, no later than 30thSeptember 2024 to the following email address: [email protected] with their names, designation, permanent/corresponding address, contact details, and email ID.
  • The abstract/proposal should contain 300 to 500 words with 3-5 keywords in doc. format, clearly summarizing the arguments and should be titled as: Abstract (Name of the Article).
  • Selected abstracts will be notified through email by 18th October 2024.


Faculty and Research Scholars: INR 4000/

Students: INR 1500/

For more details, refer here




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