Call for Papers! Mapping Menstrual Experiences: Lived Realities, Policy Perspectives and Psychological Nuances from the Global South!

Call for Papers! Mapping Menstrual Experiences: Lived Realities, Policy Perspectives and Psychological Nuances from the Global South!

About the Book

The book seeks to deconstruct existing policy perspectives and psychological nuances through lived realities of menstrual experiences. Placing “experience” as an epistemic focus, it is structured into two foundational inquiries- one that of theorizing engagements with the law and the experience of legal politics and second, the social and cultural psychological experiences associated with menstruation and other related bodily complexities among menstruating individuals- in the global south. Through these lenses, the book aims to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue, providing evidence to inform lawmaking and social transformation concerning “menstruation justice” in the part of world where concepts like development, gender justice and rights continue to be inquired while being placed in the backdrop of neoliberal capitalism, market fundamentalism and post coloniality.

Important Details

  • Submission deadline: 30th September 2024
  • Intimation for Abstract Selection: 5th October 2024

Submission form link:

For more details, refer here



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