Call For Blogs (Open Theme): RGNUL Financial And Mercantile Law Review Blog

Call For Blogs (Open Theme): RGNUL Financial And Mercantile Law Review Blog

RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review (RFMLR) is a bi-annual, student-run, double-blind peer-reviewed law journal published by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. The journal was first published in the year 2014 and gives an opportunity to the legal academia, legal professionals and law students to contribute cutting-edge, doctrinal, theoretical, and empirical research in the field of business and commercial law. The journal is indexed on SCC Online, HeinOnline and Manupatra and has been ranked amongst the Top 10 Law Reviews in India by SCC Online consecutively in the recent years.

In 2024, RFMLR, in collaboration with Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (CAM), successfully conducted a Blog Series Competition followed by a Panel Discussion on ‘Emerging Trends and Developments in Competition Law Regime’. Previously, the Editorial Board has invited blogs on Intellectual Property Rights, Digital Commerce and Fintech Law, Corporate Governance, Competition Law, Telecom Law, and Aviation Law, under the theme-specific blog series.


The Editorial Board invites blog submissions from legal practitioners, advisors, academicians, and law students on various areas of business and commercial law such as corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, competition, insolvency, banking and insurance, capital markets, dispute resolution, and ADR, international trade, investment funds, labour, employment, taxation, intellectual property, real estate, technology, media & telecommunication, and white-collar crimes, and other contemporary issues in financial and mercantile law.

Submission Guidelines

  • Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
  • Submissions may be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments, and short notes. Further, submissions analysing or critiquing already existing academic research on a topic or issue are also welcome.
  • Submissions shall not be less than 1300 words and shall not exceed 1600 words (exclusive of endnotes). Longer pieces can be divided into two or three-part posts for better readability.
  • Submissions shall contain hyperlinks in the body of the manuscript itself, instead of footnotes and endnotes.
  • The author(s) shall submit the manuscript along with the duly signed Certificate of Originality and Copyright (in the attached format) via Google Form here.


Email: [email protected]

For detailed submission guidelines, please refer here


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