Call For Chapters! “A Greener Future: Navigating the Intersection of Law & Environmental Sustainability”! Submit Now!


The book intricately explores the synergy between legal frameworks and the
imperative for environmental sustainability. This insightful book meticulously dissects
the role of law in shaping sustainable practices, shedding light on how legal systems
influence industries, communities, and individual behaviors. Through real-world
examples and case studies, it goes beyond theoretical discourse, offering a nuanced
understanding of the practical implications of environmental law. With a focus on the
dynamic interplay between legal structures and environmental challenges, the book
serves as an invaluable resource for policymakers, legal professionals, and advocates
dedicated to forging a sustainable future.


Original contributions from the authors are invited on the following topics (Not Limited to)

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
Impacts of Fossil Fuel Extraction and Energy Transitions
Biodiversity and Conservation Law
Legal Challenges of Geoengineering and Climate Intervention

Intersection of Water Law and Environmental Sustainability
Legal Strategies for Addressing Climate Displacement and Migration
Legal Challenges of Geoengineering and Climate Intervention

Abstract Submission- Dec. 20, 2023

Full Chapter Submission- Jan. 25, 2024

Revised Chapter Submission- Jan. 31, 2024

For more details, refer here


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