Call for Papers! Equality in an Unequal Europe? Assessing Anti-Discrimination Law in Context!

Call for Papers! Equality in an Unequal Europe? Assessing Anti-Discrimination Law in Context!

Third European Law Group Conference 2024

The European Law Group, an Initiative of Max Planck Law, invites abstract submissions for the Third European Law Group Conference, to be hosted on 7 and 8 October 2024 at Harnack Haus in Berlin. This conference will bring together researchers with an interest in equality and anti-discrimination law and policy for an exchange of ideas on both longstanding and developing issues of inequality and discrimination in Europe.

Abstract submission

A plethora of European law issues can be examined through the lens of equality and non-discrimination, and we look forward to seeing a diverse range of topics, perspectives, and methodologies in our panels. We are interested in abstracts from scholars working on all areas relating to anti-discrimination and equality, such as equality and non-discrimination in labour regulation, the prohibition of nationality discrimination, theories of equality and methods of achieving equality through law, intersectionality and anti-discrimination law, the relationship between EU and ECtHR equality and anti-discrimination case law, the influence of EU equality and anti-discrimination law on the development of rules of international law, anti-discrimination measures in reference to digital markets, discrimination in the context of EU economic and private law, and any other relevant areas.

The conference is addressed to Assistant Professors, Postdocs, PhD Candidates, advanced students with academic aspirations, and early career professionals (within 5 years after commencing a professional activity). The call is open to all such researchers, including (but not limited to) affiliates of Max Planck Institutes. The conference language is English. Co-authorship is allowed. We invite all interested in presenting at the conference to submit (1) an anonymized abstract of no more than 500 words and (2) a short CV, both in separate PDF documents, to [email protected] by 10 May 2024. We aim to communicate selections by 10 June 2024.

Selected participants are expected to send a draft paper due on the 9 September 2024.

For more details, refer here

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