Call for ARTICLES! L’HISTOIRE: VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1! Fluid Borders: Exploring East and South Asian Interactions!

Call for ARTICLES! L’HISTOIRE: VOLUME 3, ISSUE 1! Fluid Borders: Exploring East and South Asian Interactions!

In the pages of L’Histoire’s upcoming edition, we aim to examine this gradual shift by examining the historical, prehistoric, and contemporary interactions that took place between South Asia at large, not just modern India and the broader East Asian region for ages across material cultures (art, artifacts and more), trade and commerce, intellectual transitions, religious movements and language, among others to trace these dynamic, and layered exchanges and relationships. Voyages into the Past invites students, scholars and academics to delve into this and offer them the opportunity to contribute to a deeper understanding of the interconnected histories and cultures of East and South Asia.


Historical Trade Routes: Silk Road and Maritime Silk Route

• Cultural Exchanges: Performance arts across the Bay of Bengal.

• Colonial Encounters: Impact of European Powers in East and South Asia

• Language and Literature Exchanges: Spread of Sanskrit, Chinese characters, and Classical Literature

• Religious Syncretism: Fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism

• Artistic Exchanges: Influence of East Asian aesthetics on South Asian art forms and vice versa.

• Economic Integration: Regional Trade Dynamics and Networks

• Diplomatic Relations: Historical Alliances and Conflicts

This is not an exhaustive list and we welcome topics and writings on fields related to the theme of the author’s choice. If you wish to enquire about the same, please mail the editors at editor.voyages2023

The deadline for submissions is 15th June 2023.

For more details, refer here


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