Call for Proposals! Special Issue and Symposia! Environmental Politics! Submit by 15th July 2024!

Call for Proposals! Special Issue and Symposia! Environmental Politics! Submit by 15th July 2024!

Twice per year, Environmental Politics announces an open call for Special Issues or shorter Symposia, with deadlines normally advertised as the last working day in January and the last working day in June. However, the deadline for submitting proposals this time is 15th July 2024.

Proposal Guidelines

Environmental Politics is committed to publishing high quality Special Issues and Symposia that make a significant and innovative contribution to the field of environmental politics, broadly defined. These guidelines provide information on the proposal and publishing process.

Environmental Politics is committed to the publication of scholarship from diverse voices and epistemologies. To this end, successful proposals must take seriously the diversity of their contributors, including as related to gender, geography, and race/ethnicity. Proposers are also encouraged to include contributions from experienced and early career scholars, including those from the global South.

Proposing a Special Issue or Symposium to Environmental Politics

Proposals must be on a well-focused topic of particular interest to the journal’s readership. A Special Issue will normally contain 8-10 papers; a Symposium will normally contain 3-5 papers. The journal’s normal word limits for articles (8000 words) apply to all contributions; proposals may include shorter journal formats for papers (“Brief Report,” “Discussion”), when there is a clear rationale for them.


Proposals will be evaluated by a special committee of the Editorial Advisory Board, chaired by one of the journal Editors.

Please submit your proposal to Prakash Kashwan ([email protected]) by July 15th, 2024 for consideration in the next round.

For more details, refer here

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