Call for Articles: KOITUR PEOPLE OF NATURE, Volume 1, Issue 1, HNLU, Raipur

Call for Articles: KOITUR PEOPLE OF NATURE, Volume 1, Issue 1, HNLU, Raipur

About Koitur

“Koitur” is a word in the Gondi language, which the Gond use to refer to themselves. It broadly translates to “people” or “human” and envisions that all of humanity is connected by virtue of belonging to one species. The exclusion of the voices of the Gond and other tribal groups in policy making and law is largely due to the systematic exclusion of indigenous languages and denial of their rights over land and resources. The Centre for Law and Indigenous Studies, has been set up to promote these lost voices and encourage academic discussion on issues of customary tribal laws amongst other themes.

Call for Articles

The Centre for Law and Indigenous Studies is inviting articles from academicians, researchers, professionals, practitioners and students in the fields of tribal lifestyle, customary laws, tribal identity, adivasi writing, tribal tourism, issues relating to tribal women, constitutionality of tribal movements or any other topic related to the areas on the broader themes as given below:

  • Customary Laws of Tribal Communities
  • The Problem of Tribal Identity
  • Legal Frameworks to Protect Indigenous Languages
  • Securing Tribal Peoples’ Right to Self-Determination
  • Adivasi Women- Leading the Way towards the Future
  • Problem of Women Labourers in Mining

Submission Process

Please submit photographs along with captions and metadata by 4th March, 2025.

• For any questions or clarifications, contact us at email/phone.

• Include your contact information and a brief bio with your submission.

For more details, refer here


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