Call For Papers: Constitutional Law Review

I. Topic

Revista de Drept Constitutional/ Constitutional Law Review (RDC) is a platform for advancing the study of constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, and constitutional justice. RDC opens its pages to scholars and legal practitioners to promote constitutional principles and values, the knowledge and dissemination of case law of constitutional courts, of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, of other international bodies, European and universal standards to guarantee fundamental rights and freedoms. The Journal welcomes articles on doctrine, theory, and practice, case notes and book reviews, the submission of contributions from worldwide.

II. Author/Authors of the article

Authors shall assume full responsibility in order to comply with copyright law. Acceptance of contributions submitted for publication is tantamount to signing the editing agreement, whereby the authors shall exclusively assign to Constitutional Law Review the right of reproduction and dissemination of the contribution in hard copy and electronically.

The contributions submitted for publication should neither be published previously nor be under consideration elsewhere. Such contributions may not be subject to other publications offer unless the refusal of their publication by the Editorial Board of Constitutional Law Review has been communicated.


Authors should also specify together with their surname and first name, the profession, the teaching or scientific title, the institution where they currently work, the postal and electronic mail (e-mail) and the telephone number at which they can be contacted.

III. Instructions for editing

The article must be submitted in English (by e-mail at [email protected]), accompanied by the Declaration of Liability of the Author.

The English language of the manuscript is strongly recommended to be checked by a specialist in the English language before submission. Accepted contributions will be edited, linguistically and substantively, subject to authors’ approval. Before submitting, authors should ensure that their contribution falls within the scope of Constitutional Law Review.


  1. Title of the article

Paper title should include full title, name, professional or academic affiliation of authors and their full addresses. For articles with multiple authors, each of them shall be mentioned on separate lines and followed by the details of their workplace (University, Faculty and Department).

The title shall be written in capital letters, Times New Roman 14, bold, centered.

  1. Abstract of the article

Each article shall be provided at the beginning with an abstract, which should not exceed 250 words, characters Times New Roman 12 font size, italic, justify, double-space under the author’s name. The abstract will include: objectives of the study, the research methods used, results and implications of the study.

  1. Keywords

It should be mentioned 4-6 keywords or phrases that capture the essence of the work, two lines under the abstract of the work, Times New Roman characters, 12 font size, italic, justify.

  1. Paper Body

Text of the article will be written in English. Use only Word format (.doc). Text should be typed on pages that have the same left/right alignment, Times New Roman standard, being mandatory to use diacritics specific for the language of the article. The font size of the text shall be 12, spacing of 1.5 and 2 cm lateral margins. When using abbreviations, abbreviated word should firstly appear in full with its abbreviation in brackets.

The article will be divided into sections, each with a heading. The introductory section will include identifying the problem investigated, novelty compared to existing doctrinal approaches, research structure, detailing research methods used, the solutions proposed. The article will then include sections related to the research and discussion of the analyzed topic from the perspective of comparative and international law. At the end of the article shall be inserted a section of conclusions with research results and ways to exploitation of the results .

Contributions should not exceed 20 pages.

  1. References/footnotes

Footnotes shall be written with Times New Roman 10, justify and one-line spacing distance. Footnotes shall be numbered continuously for the whole article and not by resuming numbering on each page. There will be mentioned the full name of the author or the authors of the cited references, followed by the title of the work (book, article), publishing house/review, city, year of publication/issue number, page/pages number. Names of publishing houses, as well as of books and reviews are written in full, not abbreviated. Title of books and articles are written cursive/italic. Names of journals should be written in quotation marks. When using articles, reports, official documents, which are available online, their citation shall comply with the rules above, with the note that ”document is available online at … ” and date of last access. For case-law, it shall be indicated the document’s name, number and date of delivery/issue, issuer (court), place of publication (Official Gazette, collection/bulletin of judicial practice etc.)

The article must include at least 20 doctrinal sources of which at least 15 citations from journals and books included in the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus.


The Journal welcomes case notes from all legal systems. The title of the case note should state clearly the number and the title of the case under review. The sections of the contribution should be, but are not limited to the following: Introduction, Facts of the case, Relevant Provisions, The ruling of the Court (substantive arguments and procedural arguments should be presented separately), Assessment/Comments.


All books concerning the scope of Constitutional Law Review qualify for review. The journal welcomes submissions of proposals as well as finished reviews. Review essays covering several books are also encouraged.

IV. Other information

Manuscripts which have not been prepared in compliance with the formal requirements set in ‘Authors Guide’ shall not be accepted by the Editorial Board.

The journal provide feedback on the paper within one week from the submission.

The Editorial Board make an initial evaluation of the manuscript as regards its substantive and formal quality before sending it to two independent external Reviewers who are recognized specialists in the given field.

RDC is published regularly 2 times a year (in March and October).

RDC imposes no processing or submission charges for the articles that it publishes.

All the published papers/articles will be assigned unique Crossref DOI number and available online.

For official notification, click here

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