Call for papers! Witchcraft and Human Rights, past, present and future: Implementing UN Resolution 47/8! Lancaster University, UK !

Call for papers! Witchcraft and Human Rights, past, present and future: Implementing UN Resolution 47/8! Lancaster University, UK !

Date- 19-20 September 2024 

Call for papers

In July 2021, the UN Human Rights Council passed Resolution 47/8 on the Elimination of harmful practices related to accusations of witchcraft and ritual attacks (HPAWRA). This marked the culmination of many years’ work by stakeholders internationally, but it also marks the beginning of the next phase of implementation.

This conference asks: How should we respond to Resolution 47/8? How do we ensure that States respond? What is already being done and what more needs to be done to implement the Resolution? What is the role of civil society in supporting implementation? What can be learned from local, regional, national or international responses to this issue? What can we learn from the past about effective responses to accusations of witchcraft and ritual attacks? What can we learn from other Resolutions, for example, on FGM and other harmful practices? We are keen to hear about successful initiatives and experiences, as well as the challenges of responding.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit proposals of no more than 250 words and a short bio to [email protected] with the Subject line: Conference 2024.

Proposals should be submitted by 31 March 2024. The committee will communicate decisions by the end of April 2024.


Registration will open in March 2024. The full conference fee will be £150 for two days. A reduced postgraduate / unwaged rate and a day rate will also be available.

For more details, refer here



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